Saturday, December 28, 2013

Nov 19th, Last day in the hospital!

So, I wake up at 7 AM. The doctor comes in at 8! They move me to a low residue diet! ( The day before was full liquids! I apologize days were starting to blur together!) What, ok? I don’t know what that is! I think its level 2 diet ( for nursing home residents it means all the meat is grounded up). But, its not. It’s a low fiber diet ( can’t have more than 10 grams of fiber…
           Don’t eat for ten days. Then everything tastes amazing! The nurses come in, you're leaving today! What? You're leaving today, awesome! The rest of my day is packing. The rest is waiting for paper work…

So, this is the end of my story for now. Just of this chapter. Thank you for staying with me on this journey. As of now I will be taking a break from this blog till January 1st to reformat and rest my mind so I can focus on my business and changing this blog to motivational and self-help. If you aren’t following me I would recommend it! Great things are coming. Also if you have any questions you want answered, please leave me a comment. I answer all questions! If you have a subject you want me to write on please leave me a comment.

What do you think my first post should be for the beginning of the year?  

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