Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Day 7, 7th day in the hospital.

The time is coming to a close where he will soon be getting out of the hospital. They want to release him in the next day or so. They feel he has been rehabilitated enough to move forward. They move him to an unrestricted diet. Food glorious food!!! He can eat anything he wants! When you haven't eaten anything in 6 days even hospital food is like a gourmet meal. Even hospital food like a gourmet meal. Gross as that sounds don't eat solid food for a week and then you will understand what he felt like. The doctors come in. " Looks like your doing better" What is better, I can eat. Sure, how about my mental status is that better you better believe he is not better. The memories haunt him. The deed lingers like a tremor in the wake of an earthquake. An earthquake that never stops and starts when ever it wants. You can't measure this earth quake there is no Richter scale. Only the devastating affects of a person who will be tormented and haunted for the rest of his life. They want to move him to a different hospital in patient therapy ward. He looks at them its already been a week. What about his job? What about his life? What life. He has destroyed any semi-balance of unhappiness he has falsely created. Does he have a choice? "Well, I don't know... I mean. I just... Fuck it I will go I should go I need to go." They nod there head in approval. Like by him saying he wants to go is a good thing instead of having to court mandate it. Which they probably would have done. How long will he be there. Another hospital. God, another hospital. How many more to come. Today is an improvement. Well sort of he can eat that is the only improvement. That brings joy where there once was none.

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